March 31, 2020 – Here is a step-by-step guide to making a face mask and contact details to be matched up with people who need masks.
April 1, 2020 – The face mask instructions website launched by The House & Garden Club of Frostburg received 330 visits from 25 states and 4 countries on day one. We can help flatten the curve by working together!

April 2, 2020 – The Frostburg Face Mask Instructions website had visitors from 11 countries, 35 states and 186 cities as of this morning.

April 2, 2020 – The House and Garden Club of Frostburg’s Facemask Instructions website had worldwide traffic from 12 countries, 39 states, 219 cities and 600+views in the first 2.5 days. Groups all over the country are helping!

April 8, 2020 – The Face Mask Instructions website was visited over 800 times by people in 18 countries, 41 states and 335 cities in the first week.
July 18, 2020 – Frostburg sends letter of support for governor’s mask order – Cumberland Times-News
October 1, 2020 – The House and Garden Club of Frostburg Face Mask Program is featured in the Cumberland Times-News.
February 2021 – Almost one year later and the Frostburg HGC Facemask Instructions website has been visited by over 1500 people in 5 continents, 34 countries and over 500 cities around the world.

More Information
- Cumberland Times-News – Frostburg House, Garden Club a service organization
- Cumberland Times-News – Frostburg to send letter of support for governor’s mask order
- NPR – CDC Now Recommends Americans Consider Wearing Cloth Face Coverings In Public
- – Universal mask-wearing is the most overlooked COVID-19 lifesaver
- Tri-County Times – Locals make ‘medical’ facemasks with furnace filters. COVID-19 creates deficit in N95 facemasks for medical staff.